The maximum limit on participants is 250, and we already have more than that. (See current number, below.) You can still submit this registration form, but you may or may not get a place on a team. The sooner you submit, the higher the chances of your getting onto a team. Registrants will be assigned to a team if:
- Someone indicates they need to drop out after having registered,
- Someone registers but doesn’t actually join their assigned team, or
- Someone gets injured during the competition and is unable to continue.
Note that in this last instance, the miles/points of the person who dropped out will be erased back to the beginning of the competition, and the substitute’s miles/points from January 1 will be retroactively counted. So if you’re hoping to participate at some point, you’ll want to start riding January 1.
If you just want to be one of the Friends of BAFS (listed on the site, participate in events, receive e-mail notifications of events, and be eligible for most Pointless Prizes, but not compete for points), you don’t need to fill out this form at all. Just follow the steps at this link.
Freezing Saddles is a game organized by friends in the Washington Area Bike Forum. It is a convivial and good-humored team competition in which participants are randomly assigned to teams. The teams then compete for points. Ten points are given for every day someone rides at least a mile, and additional points as follows: 10 points for mile 1, 9 points for mile 2, 8 points for mile 3, etc. Miles 10 and over each day earn one point each.
The game runs from 00:00:00 January 1 through 23:59:59 March 19, in Washington, DC local time. Rides begun before the start time or ending after the end time March 20 will not count.
Communications and organization will be through the Washington Area Bike Forum.
Registering is only the first step in entering the game. Please visit and bookmark this link to learn the other steps required.
If you want to get a flavor of what the competition has been like in past years, you can check out the forum topic.
Questions? You can reach us through this link.
All links on this page will open in a separate tab, so you won’t lose your work here by clicking on a link.